The Mummies: Sarah McGregor and her Gold Lion cub, Wyn, 8


Following the tail end of the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity, it’s only natural the first trophy in our collection is gold lion Wyn, son of Sarah McGregor, Executive Creative Director at Dentsu Creative. A fearless leader, running her own department and collecting a few awards of her own, she admits being a working creative mum hasn’t always been as golden as her shiny cub.

Sarah says, “there have been tough moments. There’s no doubt it’s a real adjustment at the start and no matter how together you think you are, there will always be curveballs you have to dodge – the seemingly endless illnesses when they’re small and you’re trying to find your feet again springs to mind. On my first day back in the saddle, I lasted 3 hours before daycare rang me and I had to step away and pick him up.”

But as Wyn has grown older, Sarah looks back on all the skills and experience that has enhanced her career and what she brings to her day-to-day. “Overwhelmingly, it’s been positive. I do honestly believe that being a parent makes you a better creative – it makes you more efficient, ambitious and gives you a real sense of perspective. Of course, you don’t have to be a parent to attain these things – I think most of us as we get older have commitments outside of work that we have to attend to that round us out as humans – whether we are caring for small children (our own or someone else’s), being a pet parent or becoming a carer for ageing parents and relatives. And the good news is, I think we don’t have to hide that anymore - agencies on the whole, are a more welcoming and empathetic space than they used to be.” 

And Sarah, a founding member of The Aunties and mentor to many is using some of her (very) precious spare time to give back via the power of shared experience. “I feel like now my son is eight years old it’s time for me to support others. I try and check in on women in the industry on mat leave, because I know what a lonely and isolating time that can be. Through the Aunties and other industry bodies I support and push for better representation and change within agencies themselves.”

Sarah believes the parenting pendulum needs to swing both ways in order to address gender-inequality within the industry. Particularly when it comes to retaining female talent during formative family creating years. “I am also loving seeing agencies start to offer paternity leave parity for fathers taking time off to look after their children – it’s the number one thing that we can do to stop this being a women’s issue, and it gives men the chance to be present parents too – something I feel in the past, they may have missed out on.” 

Having open and understanding parents as role models is also important — especially coming from the top. “We not only have inspiring female leaders at Dentsu Creative, but we have inspiring parent leaders too. People who are open and honest about the challenges (and the joys). Nobody feels they need to hide who they are because there are excellent role models everywhere, showing that you can do your job brilliantly and have a family too.”

You’re totally roarsome Sarah! 🦁

📸 by Heather Dinas 
by Phoebe Sloane


The Mummies: Lauren Eddy and her cute Clio, June, 1


Meet The Mummies: A series that celebrates our industry mums