Meet The Mummies: A series that celebrates our industry mums

We are so excited to launch our latest initiative to support and spotlight Mums in the creative industries, hot on the heels of season two of our poddy, Mums on Call.

As the saying goes, if you want something done, ask a busy person, or in our industry’s case, better yet, ask a mum. They’ve got time management down to a fine art, insights you can’t make up, they’re decisive, fast, empathetic…and did we say, fast?

Especially if you’re like us, and needed to pull off a full-day shoot in 8 days… the mums get. It. Done. And gosh they do it so well!

And despite the fact that so many of us know that Mums are valuable members of any department, they still only make up 10% of creative departments, according to Advertising Council of Australia’s latest Create Space survey results. Even more concerning was that 23% of female respondents with childcare responsibilities say they are likely to leave the industry based on a lack of inclusion or discrimination. 

So while the industry’s attention is focused on recognising the incredible work awarded in the South of France this week, we want to make a spiky point: our industry’s mums deserve recognition too.

For the long days, late nights, part-time juggles, missed school plays, child-care bugs and sleep-cycle struggles. For the unique insights they bring to briefs, balanced management styles and expert client negotiation skills (because if you can do it with a demanding two-year old, you can do it with anyone).

In honour of all that they have done and continue to do, we have created their own adorable award series, The Mummies

Magnificently photographed by Heather Dinas, it features industry mums from different agencies, disciplines and life/parenting stages alongside their adorable award-adorned children.

Sarah McGregor, ECD, Denstu Creative and her gold Cannes lion cub, Wyn, 8.

Esther Parsons, Art Director, Clemenger BBDO and her sweet LIA angel, Sylvie, 2.

Lauren Eddy, Senior Copywriter, Bullfrog and her cute Clio, June, 1.

Annie Price, ECD, Communicado and her sharp D&AD pencil, Dot, 14. 

Edwina Gilbert, EA to CEO, Bullfrog and her two Spike-y sons, Gus, 8 and Josh, 10.

Priya Addams-Williams, Shift 20 Initiative Lead, Dylan Alcott Foundation and her little AdFest lotus, Leela, 1.

And Nat Taylor, Founder, Poppet with her fintastic Sharks Arlo, 8 and Rudi, 11. 

Says Heather Dinas, “When The Aunties reached out to collaborate, I was immediately onboard. This concept struck a chord with me, as motherhood has profoundly shaped my life, and what better way to honour and celebrate the unique bond between mothers and their children.”

Says Esther Parsons, Art Director Auntie on the series (while 8 months pregnant might we add!), “During the fuss of award season we wanted to make a fuss of a very deserving bunch — our talented and hardworking mums.

Says Sarah McGregor,  “At The Aunties, we’re for women across all life stages, and it’s important we continue to acknowledge the value parents offer in our businesses through our podcast and content like The Mummies.”

So while everyone is celebrating the Cannes Lions this week, look around your office, and celebrate the Mums. They’re there doing their job, as well as raising humans.

Campaign Credits

Photographer — Heather Dinas

Creative — Phoebe Sloane

Creative — Esther Parsons

Creative — Sarah McGregor

Design — Ellena Mills

Retouching — Ross Goddard

Social Lead — Beatrix Fisher

Social — Angelina Lay

Social — Madelene McGuinness

PR — Abigail Dawson

Hair & Make Up — Joyce Jian Ying

Hair & Make Up — Kate Radford

Assistant — Malachi Smith

Assistant — Ellina Den Toom

Assistant — Estefan Velazquez 

Location — The Mad House


The Mummies: Sarah McGregor and her Gold Lion cub, Wyn, 8