The Mummies: Edwina Gilbert and her Spikey sons, Gus, 8 & Josh, 11

An icon in the industry for many years, Edwina Gilbert is the next Mummie we are celebrating in our series. Office Manager & EA to CEO Dalton Henshaw at Bullfrog, she’s mum to her sporty and ‘Spike-y’ sons Gus, 8 and Josh, 11. 

Looking back, Edwina believes the industry is heading in the right direction when it comes to supporting parents, “Having been in the industry since the early 1990s, I have to say I am in awe of how far our industry has come to better supporting mothers. And now fathers too. That was unheard of back when I began!”

Edwina entered the parenthood game a little later in life, which allowed her to carve out time to raise her boys, “I came very late to the “children’s party”. I had my first son at 40 and my second son soon after. #twoundertwoatfortytwo is a lot, so I was fortunate in being able to take some time off when they were little.”

And the return to work was made easier thanks to a flexible boss and role, she says, “When I was ready, the wonderful Anna Fawcett offered me part-time looking after New Business & Marketing for Filmgraphics. It was the perfect way to re-introduce myself to the industry. Anna was very flexible with what days I worked and very accommodating when things changed last minute.”

And the part time nature too also helped Dweens build out her career in other areas too, she says “it allowed me to put my Talent Recruitment hat back on and work with Esther Clerehan on some briefs. Being back at work was exhilarating for me. I love the stimulation and the sense of purpose working gives me.”

Now with the boys settled in primary school, Edwina is a pillar of the Bullfrog pond, helping it run smoothly as Office Manager and EA to CEO, Dalton Henshaw. And she’s loving every moment of it, she says, “The first thing Bullfrog has done, is to provide me with a wonderful work life. I am surrounded by talented, intelligent, and creative people who inspire me daily.  I feel truly blessed to have an extraordinary workplace for four days a week. My work family complements my home family.”

And it sounds like there’s loads of great initiatives and flexibility, she says “being able to leave work early two days a week to get the boys to various sports is incredibly helpful. The ability to have your kids in the office for the odd day during school holidays is also immensely supportive (there’s only so many days a kid can do a basketball holiday clinic!)  At Bullfrog, there is a deep understanding for those of us there who are parents, and to our obligations to our kids. With that awareness comes a great deal of empathy, compassion and flexibility. Personally, I find it particularly remarkable considering the CEO of the business, Dalton, is not a parent himself.”

While finding the balance may not always be easy, Edwina finds the juggle between work and home rewarding.

“I feel that I am a better parent, having a work/life balance and not just focusing on one aspect of my life.”

You wear all the hats so well Dweens! 

📸 by Heather Dinas 
by Phoebe Sloane


The Mummies: Nat Taylor and her shiny Sharks, Rudi, 11 & Arlo, 8


The Mummies: Priya Addams Williams and her little AdFest Lotus, Leela, 1