The Mummies: Annie Price and her sharp D&AD Pencil, Dot, 14

Introducing Annie Price, ECD at Communicado and mum to Dot, aged 14. Annie kindly welcomed us into her incredible home to capture this series.

A creative as talented as she is kind, Annie has been part of adland for 30+ years. She has watched (and no doubt, influenced) the positive shift in the industry’s attitudes towards parents, she says, “Back then, if a woman left on mat leave, it was a pretty big deal to see them back in the office again, and it was usually five days a week or ‘seeya later’. Nowadays I have high hopes for first time Mums and women yet to become Mums. But of course, it can always be better. The industry needs to be accommodating, flexible, nurturing and supportive of our incredible female talent.”

As her priorities changed, so have her agencies, “I was at an indie when Dot was born and they were super supportive of me easing back into work at my own pace. But it hasn’t always been easy.”

“I’ve had a million guilt trips about being the last one to make it to the school play, Christmas carols, dance concerts and presentations. And awful memories of racing home from work on speaker to my partner with our regular panic: ‘are you going to get there before childcare shuts?!’ ‘I’m 10 mins away, how far are you?!’  And then there were the many late nights catching up on work after putting her to bed. It’s gotten easier as she’s got older and as I’ve moved to agencies that are more understanding and accepting, but it’s definitely had its moments!”

Annie is now at Communicado, her most supportive agency yet, “’I’m incredibly lucky at Communicado. I’ve never worked anywhere more understanding and accommodating of parent/carer responsibilities. Around 83% of us are women, 46% of us are Mums and 49% of us are parents/carers. CMC has helped me be a parent in every possible respect.”

As Dot has grown up, Annies’ caregiving roles and responsibilities have evolved too, she says, “When they’re really little, they’re relying on you for absolutely everything and then seemingly in the blink of an eye, you can leave them home alone, they’re fending for themselves and you start to become a taxi service. But physical care then turns to emotional care and you want to be there to help them navigate teenage-hood and get through friendship issues and high school demands. I’ve also had my Mum deteriorate a lot in the past 10 years, she’s now got full blown dementia and is in a high care home, so a lot of my days off work are spent visiting her, helping her eat, holding her hand and just being there for her. I don’t know how long I have left with her, so I’ve got to prioritise those visits.”

Annie works a three-day week, from home one day and in the office for two, which can also shift based on the week’s priorities, “I am not just ‘allowed’ but encouraged to have flexible work arrangements. There has been no push or mandate to come in more since lockdowns ended. And the work gets done, consistently, to a high standard. Communicado is a prime example of supporting women, Mums, and all carers. I’m very lucky really. I’m so passionate about my career but a three day working week gives me two days to be there for Dot and my Mum (and do all the life admin that never ends). It might seem a total luxury to others to have four-day weekends, but I honestly don’t know where the time goes and I’m never just sitting around casually contemplating life!”

And Dot is very proud of her mum too, “I love what Mum does for a job and I’m proud of her. When I think of Mums career, I think of creativity and making a fun way to convince the world of something. Mum’s job makes me imagine walking down the street and seeing great posters and videos with bright graphics that draw my eyes in. I’m glad she doesn’t have a boring job.”

Annie leaves us with some sage wisdom for managers, “Everyone knows we work bloody hard to balance our multiple roles and there’s no doubt agencies get their money’s worth from adland Mums (and all adland parents to that matter). Message to managers: If you have incredible Mum talent working at your agency, look after them, ask what they need to make it work and accommodate as best you can.”

📸 by Heather Dinas
by Phoebe Sloane


The Mummies: Priya Addams Williams and her little AdFest Lotus, Leela, 1


The Mummies: Esther Parsons and her sweet LIA Angel, Sylvie, 2